When to visit a psychologist

A psychologist can be helpful in a situation when you suffer or experience, among others, one of the following:

– overly strong emotions in situations that do not appear to be so much stressful
– social phobia, or just too much tension when contacting other people
– difficulties in relationships or lack of relationships, loneliness or the feeling   that “nobody understands you”
– devote too much time to unimportant or not trivial activities
– the feeling that you use up your time and energy for something you do not want
– difficulties with paying attention to what you want
– sexual problems
– inability to find goals or meaning in your life
– inability to forgive someone for being mistreated and the associated internal suffering or feeling of bitterness
– recurring and persistent unwanted thoughts
– the feeling of irritability, tension and overt anger in situations that do not appear to provoke such strong feelings
– phobias
– mood swings
– depressed feelings
– sleep disorders
– unspecified anxiety or sudden feelings of fear with no special reason
– lack of motivation, apathy
– the inability to feel pleasure in life, anhedonia
– obsessive thoughts or behavior, the compulsion to perform certain actions over and over again
– the need for perfectionism and other compulsions

Psychologist’s help
In the above mentioned cases you can be relieved thanks to psychotherapy. This involves learning about what causes these symptoms, behavior, or difficult feelings, which may be rooted deeply in your subconscious. These often originate in unconscious motivations which are difficult to uncover without professional help.